Guest Post: What no one will tell you about your relationship with God

Posted by Tomi O on Wednesday, June 18, 2014 with 12 comments
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In my walk with God (howbeit Short) there are a few things I learnt along the way that no one sent me the Memo in advance. I just want to be a good Samaritan, especially if you are new on this Love walk with God.
Here are some things I've learnt along the way that no one told me about;

1. The Initial High will Fade: I grew up in the church and I have probably dedicated and rededicated my life over to God countless times, along the way God met me, with a yearning in my heart for him or I finally paid attention to that yearning. I bought a Bible and just read. How does one go from falling asleep reading a chapter of the Bible to spending hours studying (notice I said studying) I was so excited to learn truths, I was so excited to know God more, and just when you think you're there the 'high' disappears. Then the real learning begins. No body tells you about this part till you start experiencing it. Good thing about this place is you will have built a certain level of trust with God that will not make you run away from him.
cry out to the lord5

2. You will Cry (Probably more than you've cried before): This walk with God has never brought you to tears? I don't want to know how hard your heart is, when you are overwhelmed by Gods Love Ah! When i say tears, it goes from tears of Joy to tears from worship, to tears from knowing you've been forgiven much, to tears when things get hard and it feels like God is not there but you know what? God has a record of all your tears, [ Record my misery; list my tears on your scroll are they not in your record?] Psalm 56:8 How consoling is that?

3. You will have doubts: When I say doubts I don't mean just having doubts about "Will God do this or that for me" I mean more serious doubts "Is God real?" "How am I even sure we are not all making a mistake?" "All of these doesn't make sense?" Things in that line.
Be calm, the fact that you call them "doubts" means you believe something right? but you are just unsure, You see that alone is an evidence that you are doing something right. The Devil will not shoot you with thoughts to doubt God if you already don't believe him. Get it? Now just smile and say out loud "Lord, I'm sorry for doubting you but now more than ever I am sure you exist, I may not see but I have your word and I believe what you say. Thank you for who you are" Shikena!
*Butterflies and unicorns*

4. This Relationship also needs work; With the mention of "work" and some believers will throw stones but be calm. We are saved by grace independent of our works, Yes I know.
God has called us into a relationship with him and not a dictatorship. Won't grace just be easier if it was a dictatorship? I will just wade through life not "knowing" my master but just taking instructions, accept his goodness and yay heaven, but God doesn't operate that way.

The purpose of Jesus is to restore the relationship between the creator and the creation.
So, do you think he just saves us to know that we are going to heaven or he saved us to know him? and our knowledge of him assures us of our position in him? Makes sense?
Here is the tricky part; In every relationship if you don't spend time with your partner how will you get to know them? It doesn't happen automatically. God has the power to input all the knowledge we need into us but he is not a dictator, He wants you to be genuinely interested and the interest you show births the work, but this work is not labouring or trying to get him to do what he has already done or anything legalistic (Like they will say)
We spend time with him to know him not because we think reading the Bible 3 hours a day will earn us his favour or anything of that nature. So, our 'work' is birth out of Love not Labour

4. You will still be bad (Sometimes worse); Your decision to accept the Life of Christ doesn't automatically make you drop all your old habits infact as you walk with him he will start showing you things you never knew were there. Keep calm, don't fret If he is showing you its because he is working in you to be better, don't act by what you feel act by who God says you are in him!

5. You will become boring.... by the world standard; This is expected but no one will tell you about it, but you know what? There is much more fun in the Son! Halleluyah! Your view has just shifted and remember you are in the world and not of it. Its okay that things of the world interest you less as you continue in him. Keep calm and have fun in the son!

6. Serving in Church is not the Ultimate.... Yep! I dare to say it. Remember Mary and Martha? What did Jesus say?
" Mary sat at Jesus' feet and listened to his words. Martha, meanwhile, was distracted with preparing and serving the meal for the group.
Frustrated, Martha scolded Jesus, asking him whether he cared that her sister had left her to fix the meal alone. She told Jesus to order Mary to help her with the preparations.
"Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her." (Luke 10:41-42, NIV)

7. The "weird Unpredictable Uncle" AKA the Holy Spirit is Fun; Contrary to the Image we have of the Holy Spirit in our heads, we are scared because people fall in 'those' moments - Don't know about you but I used to be - One thing I know now is that when we start acknowledging his presence in our lives it gets easier.

This is not to say the Journey is not exciting, it is the most exciting Journey any human can embark on and I won't have my life any other way than one with a relationship with God, Jesus and the Holy spirit.

As a believer does this list look familiar? What have you learnt in your walk with God that no one told you about, care to share?


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